From the time Israel was declared a state in 1948 it has been under attack. Time and again agreements have been drafted and even signed, but the violence has continued, with Israel so far being able to defend itself.
Israel is one of the smallest countries in the world. A comparison of the middle east was made to a hand. Hold out the hand and there you have all the Arab countries. Look at the nail of the tiny finger and there you have Israel. And yet, the world is constantly trying to force this small nation to give up land. The time has come to say No More!
Please watch this video produced by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs–If Israel gives up any more land it will be suicide. Remember, All of the Arab countries in the middle east have sworn to wipe Israel off the world map–it is in the constitutions and charters of each one. Even our “peace partners” have not removed this caustic declaration from their charter.