Those calling for boycotts have an agenda~and that is to destroy Israel~to wipe her off the map. One of the most vocal leaders (Omar Barghouti) was born in Qatar (one of the world’s wealthiest states) grew up in Egypt and only moved to Ramallah, West Bank, as an adult. At the same time he is demonizing and calling for a Boycott of Israel, Barghouti is studying for his Masters Degree in philosophy at Tel Aviv University (that’s in Israel).

The Boycott movement is nothing more than hate and anti-semitism, in the guise of “palestinian” rights. The joke is that under the “PA” governed areas, the Arabs (and they are Arabs) have almost no freedoms, and suffer greater human rights violations than almost anywhere in the world. Boycotting industry in Judea and Samaria will actually deprive PA Arabs of well paying jobs and the rights that go along with them. Here is just one example:

The Palestinians working at SodaStream receive full social and health services in accordance with Israeli law. This includes pension contributions and insurance. Labor law in Israel requires an employer to pay wages and contributions four times higher than those required by the Palestinian Authority. In addition, SodaStream also provides benefits that include daily hot meals, clothing, transportation and overtime pay up to 200% as required by Israeli law. ***See 2nd Video Below

Nobody ever questions why more people under the authority of the PA want to obtain Israeli citizenship than those who want to stay in the PA areas. That’s because in Israel, they have better treatment, lives, jobs, housing and rights than in in other Arab country~this is doubly true for women or any who are free thinkers.
Check the facts and you will find out that Jews and Christians are being driven out of every Arab (Muslim) country. Churches, Synagogues (or any other religion than Islam) are forbidden and persecuted. Once majority Christian areas are now almost totally cleansed, either by eviction through persecution, or forceful conversions.
So, next time you see a brilliant advertisement and information stand on the horrors of Israel, make sure you think twice before falling for the “PA” PR.

Think Carefully About What The BDS Movement Wants You To Give Up…
SodaStream~Building Bridges, Not Walls