When the highly publicized “Humanitarian Flotilla for Gaza” attempted to break through to Gaza they refused a simple request made by Mr. Shalit to accept a letter to be delivered to his son. If they were really “Humanitarians” as they claim, Why would they Refuse this “humanitarian” request?
Meanwhile, Hamas and PA areas have Graffiti picturing the suffering boy as an aged man; posted this video showing the suffering of the father trying to free his son–with the end showing a coffin being unloaded in front of Mr. Shalit. Even more insidious is another video clip giving the impression of Gilad’s Execution. They use these emotional ploys for their own evil designs. They are asking for the release of thousands of murderous terrorists to an area where they would be free to kill again. What country would accept such terms?
Regardless of whether one loves or hates Israel, what is being done to Gilad is cruel and inhuman. And yet, money and supplies go into Gaza daily, people all over the world demonize Israel and hold up the flags of Hamas and the PA–the new “cause”.