With monumental events unfolding before our eyes and the attack of Iran on Israel, are we watching ancient prophecies being fulfilled? Are these part of God’s end-time purposes and the next prophetic event? Jonathan...

War in the North of Israel

War in the North of Israel

David Rawlings visits his friend Eli in the village of Amuka in northern Israel. 100,000 residents have moved out of northern Israel because of the War in Gaza and with terrorist group Hezbollah on the northern boarder. There are daily rocket attacks from Lebanon and...

A Reminder

A Reminder

This is a stark reminder of the atrocities that happened on October 7th 2023 and to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, Israel and the Jewish people in this difficult time of war. https://youtu.be/R3vzvHgGzUM?si=Bby-55rzjHI5F435

Dead Sea Dance

Dead Sea Dance

Adi Gordon Rawlings is leading the Shorashim Dance Troupe from Jerusalem to perform to Israeli refugee families that have been displaced from Israeli towns boarding Gaza. Most of the towns and Kibbutzim have been destroyed by Hamas....

Israel Vision relaunch in 2024

Israel Vision relaunch in 2024

Film producers Jay and Meridel Rawlings are passing the baton of "Israel Vision" channel on to their sons David and Chris. They have spent their life in Israel creating media to educate a global audience to understand the importance of Israel and the Jewish people and...

David and Goliath

David and Goliath

Baruch Ovadyah discusses how the war in Israel against Hamas correlates to the war that David fought against Goliath. David ran to pursue his enemy while all of King Saul's men were afraid. This is a spiritual war of mounting proportions. God intervened for David to...

Double Honour

Double Honour

Dear Friends:  Today I received this email from our dear Canadian friends, Ralph Rutledge and his sister Norma Jean Mainse. David Mainse, of blessed memory, founded and hosted 100 Huntley Street, Canada’s nationwide Christian TV network. David was a great friend...

Thank you letter – August 2019

Thank you letter – August 2019

Jerusalem Vistas Canada Society August 2019 Thank You Letter Shalom and warm greetings to our dear friends and precious partners,During the first days of August every year we remember with fasting the horrific destructions of our people over the centuries by marking...

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