Facebook has refused to block a page calling for a Third Intifada against Israel. You can read the entire article from Arutz 7 HERE. Although the page is written almost entirely in Arabic, a display ad in big English letters posted on the page warns, “If Facebook Blocked This Page…All Muslims Will Boycott Facebook For Ever!”
The page, Third Palestinian Intifada, urges its readers to copy the link, place it in their profiles and publish it on all pictures, videos and pages–everywhere they can. An alert announces that a march to “Palestine” will begin from neighboring countries on May 15 and soon after, “Palestine will be liberated and we will be freed. Our goal now is to reach millions of subscribers on this page before May.” *This is a direct call for war on Israel!
The page also includes inflammatory language that calls for supporters to build on the previous two murderous previous intifadas in which Arab terrorists murdered and wounded thousands of Israeli civilians. The second intifada is also called the Oslo War as it took place after the Oslo peace accords were signed by PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitschak Rabin. The notice refers readers to related content on other sites such as Twitter and YouTube.
A petition urging Facebook to remove the dozens of pages promoting hatred of Israel and incitement to kill Jews–incuding the page calling for a Third Intifada–has been started on the Internet by the Jerusalem-based Aish HaTorah Yeshiva. The Petition calls on Facebook to “remove any pages that promote hate against Israel and the Jewish people.” Please Do go to This Link and Do Sign the Petition!
The video below is some of the hate that is shown on the pages…
Why the double standards? If it was non-muslims using facebook to spew their hatred for muslims, it would have been removed immediately it was posted. What is it about “I hate Jews” and “I hate Israel” that facebook does not understand? Is it stupitidy or just turning a blind eye?