A renowned specialist in the Arab world, Islam and the Middle East, Dr. Mordechai Kedar speaks to gatherings all over the world in an effort to educate people. Dr. Kedar is fluent in Arabic and able to challenge challenge scholars and journalists alike “no holds barred” in their own language. [Links to more of his lectures below the video]
Dr. Kedar understands the “Middle East Mind” and knows that if the Middle East is to ever be able to experience “true peace”, western countries must change their way of thinking. We are losing because we are not facing reality.
People must learn about, and understand the mindset in the Middle East. Until such time as people pull their heads out of the sand and realize that the “same old~same old” has never, and will never work, the wars, strife, brutality and oppression will continue not only to reign in the Middle East, but we will be over run and defeated in our own countries~in our lifetimes.
Christendom is Destroying Itself…
Links to Dr. Mordechai Kedar: