This past Friday, a Muslim prayer service was held
(for the first time ever) in the National Cathedral in Washington, DC.
The date, 14 November 2014, is significant to the Muslim world in that it marks the 100th anniversary of the last declaration of holy war, or jihad, by an Ottoman “caliph”.
Can anyone tell me why they would allow a Muslim prayer service to be held on “this day” in “this cathedral”?? And while we are at it, why would anyone remain silent as women and “non-muslims” are relegated to the “back of the room”.
Where are all the Christian leaders and representatives~or lay people for that matter? Strangely silent~or so it seems~except for one brave woman who dared to speak out. She told the gathering:
Jesus Christ died on that cross over there. He is the reason why we are to worship only him. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior! We have built, and allowed you here in mosques across this country, Why can’t you worship in your mosque, and leave our churches alone?
Of course she was immediately removed from the premises.
What is so outrageous is that she was the “only” Christian to object to a Church being used by Muslims, who Do Not believe Jesus is the Son of God. This stunning silence, as Islam moves to repeat the past and conquer Christianity is shocking. Can it be that she is the only Christian in DC who takes her faith seriously? The fact is, that…
…by allowing Islamic prayer services on its premises, the church has become a mosque in the eyes of Muslims. It is now the property of the Ummah, held in trust by the waqf board, and will presumably be officially claimed by Islam when the time is ripe…
Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham was quoted as saying the following:
It’s sad to see a church open its doors to the worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins…
You can read about it at
Tundra Tabloids. For more details on this story, including a translation on some of the prayers go to
Gates of Vienna~15 November, and you can also go to a follow-up article by
Gates of Vienna~16 November. Christians should be educating themselves about the reasons and meanings behind such events. It is time to understand that not everyone in this world acts with
“brotherly love” and
“good will” toward others.
This ongoing pandering by the Christian community towards Muslims can only end badly~for Christians.
Watch A Brave Christian Woman Object to Muslim Prayers in National Cathedral