It has been 1,890 days (more than five years) since he has received even the tiniest communication or sign from his family~and it has been more than two years since his family has received any sign of life from Gilad.
Just ten days ago, the supporters of Gilad Shalit staged a peaceful Hi-jacking of a bus of Gazans returning from a visit to Hamas prisoners in Israel jail.
Trucks of Goods Crossing into Gaza |
Standing at the border crossing one sees the trucks arriving from within Israel to provide the citizens of Gaza with food and basic commodities, children’s games and electrical goods and more. On this day there were truck loads of cement as well.
Gilad Shalit does not enjoy even the basic conditions demanded for any captive, in accordance with the Geneva Convention. He receives no visits, letters and no contact whatsoever with the outside world.
Hamas Prisoners in Israeli Jail |
Gilad Shalit is held captive in inhuman conditions, while his family lives without any knowledge of his physical or emotional state. In stark contrast the State of Israel allows Palestinian/Hamas prisoners to receive visitors, letters, study for degrees and many other benefits. The picture to the left was posted from an Israeli jail by Hamas terror prisoners~to Facebook!. Need we say more?
The purpose of this protest is to ask for reciprocation between the treatment of Gilad Shalit and that enjoyed by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
*It Should be Noted:
Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by terrorists who infiltrated into Israel, killed two soldiers and wounded four others. Gilad was Not a criminal, whereas the prisoners held in Israeli jails have been convicted of terror attacks and murder of Israeli citizens.
Statement to the Citizens of Gaza: (Hebrew and English follow the video)
As citizens of Israel we strive to live in peace with you. Even at this time when the region is far from quiet, we are hopeful that, one day, peace will arrive and we will be able to live side by side with you, as good neighbors, in mutual respect that will lead to mutual prosperity in our region.
I pray that Galid Shalit will be able to go home.
Schnecksville Pa