Due to the bias of people who are in the media good people are not being told the truth. Israel is the ONLY country in the Middle-East that is democratic, allows freedom of worship to all religions, protects the rights of women and gays, and holds its defense forces to the highest of standards–sometimes at the risk of their own lives. Arab-Israelis have more freedom and rights than in any other Arab country–anywhere. People like Downs refuse to listen to any opinion other than their own, drowning out truth and reason, while instigating baseless hatred.
Michael Coren, to his credit, has done his research, visited Gaza, and is not afraid to speak the truth. Good for him!
I think it’s becoming obvious that the activists on the Flotilla II are not interested in humanitarian issues, they are looking for trouble and Israel has every right to protect themselves. I would like to invite you to check out Prevent the IHH Flotilla Towards GazaGet Started http://www.facebook.com/pages/Prevent-the-IHH-Flotilla-Towards-Gaza/117646254988615