by Jerusalem Vistas~Israel Vision | Jun 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
Part 11 of 12~Hora Efrochim~Meng Zhong, China DreamTeil 11 von 12~Hora Efrochim~Meng Zhong, China DreamTeil 11 von 12~Meng Zhong, Chinesischer Traum by Jerusalem Vistas~Israel Vision | Jun 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
Part 10 of 12~Hora Efrochim~Wonder GirlsTeil 10 von 12~Hora Efrochim~Wundermaedchen by Jerusalem Vistas~Israel Vision | Jun 6, 2012 | Uncategorized
Part 9 of 12~Hora Efrochim~Eastern Wind by Jerusalem Vistas~Israel Vision | Jun 3, 2012 | Uncategorized
Part 8 of 12~Hora Efrochim~Ukrainian Folk DanceDeutsche~Hora Efrochim~Ukraine
by Jerusalem Vistas~Israel Vision | May 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
Being part of a dance troupe means that you don’t often get to be in the spotlight, rather, you are a part of a whole.In the first section of this video, you will see some of the children in the troupe as they enjoy a “close-up” moment.The dance that...