This weekend, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit will initiate a series of sermons that have been designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. This next line is a shocker: In addition to the sermons, the Sunday school lessons will center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad. Qurans will be placed in the pews next to the Bibles.
There is much more–to read the entire article, simply click on the link to go to Bare Naked Islam’s blog. The first video prompted me to do more searching and I found the second clip. Although the clip header says 3-to-5 it actually starts where the first clip leaves off. It is interesting how they use terminology to bring Jesus into Islam, but if you listen carefully, you see that they use him as a tool to bring Christians into Islam. The second video discussed this in more detail, including how they change the crucifixion and resurrection–claiming it did not happen. There are many, many articles and clips available due to the openness of the internet–this is but one example. We must take care about what we watch and what our children are exposed to. People who are new to faith, or those who have struggled with doubts can easily be drawn in. Be informed!
If you are interested in reading more articles that you will Not see in the mainstream Media do go to the home page of Bare Naked Islam for many more articles–you may be surprised!
Part 2 to 5 of Jesus of Islam