Reprinted from frumlife. Deputy Commander Ahuva Tomer, the highest ranking woman officer in the Israel Police Force, died on Monday after succumbing to critical injuries sustained in the Carmel fire. She was driving to assist the bus carrying 40 Prison Service cadets that was trapped (and subsequently burned). She herself was trapped and suffered burns throughout her body. Deputy Commander Tomer was initially taken to Carmel Hospital in Haifa, where a team of 20 doctors worked to revive her–finally succeeding in restoring a pulse–“against all odds,” in their words. She was then transferred to Rambam Hospital for continued treatment.
Deputy Commander Tomer was one of the best-known, highest-ranking officers in the northern region.
She made history in 1997 when she was appointed Police Commander in Nahariya, and again in 2009 when she was appointed Commander of the lsraels largest station in Haifa. Well respected by all, she had achieved what no other woman before her had. Commander Tomer did this by hard work and dedication, never using her gender to gain advantage.
The picture on the left shows the bus, with her white care (left of bus) as the flames engulf them.
The below video was made as Deputy Commander Tomer completed and interview. She is shown (2:56) in her car before she drove into the flames in an attempt to help the trapped cadets on the bus. “Baruch dayan ha’emet”
Commander Ahuva Tomer Driving into the Blaze (0:30)