This is the speech given by the founder of MEMRI TV (Middle East Media Research Institute), Yigal Carmon during his presentation on 28 September 2010, to the UN Human Rights Commission–New Trends in Arab Antisemitism. His written statement to the General Assembly can be found at the link. I will follow up with further posts showing the full segments of the films he presented (with some parts of the script highlights).
One point to note: at 9:06 there is a segment where it is claimed (by Arab TV) that a Jewish woman is so afraid and humiliated that she is on her knees kissing the hand of a German soldier. This is false–it is in fact a section taken from a set of six reels (59 min) taken by the liberating forces when they freed the various death camps. In this case it was a British soldier and the woman was kissing his hand because he was one of the liberators. The original film in its entirety can be seen at Atlas Shrugs. I strongly recommend you take the time to watch it all.
*This post reprinted from frumlife~with permission