The video below was posted along with details by The Jawa Report. Do visit their site for mores stories on persecutions and the Middle East.
The members of Saints Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria were celebrating the beginning of a New Year. Eyewitnesses say a green Skoda car pulled up outside the church shortly after midnight. Two men got out, one of them said something into his mobile phone, then they left the scene. A sticker on the back of the car said “the rest is coming”.
Almost immediately there was an explosion that killed 21 and injured 96 parishioners. According to church officials and eyewitnesses, there are many more unidentified victims, whose body parts were strewn all over the street outside the church. The body parts were covered with newspapers until they were brought inside the church because some Muslims started stepping on them and chanting allahu akbar (you can hear them in the video below).
The locally made bomb had 100KG of explosives packed with nails, glass and iron balls. The strength of it caused glass panes to be shattered in the entire neighborhood, and sent body parts fly into the building’s fourth floor, and to the mosque facing the church.
A report in AINA (Assyrian International News Agency) said traumatized Copts were angered by chants of “Allah Akbar” from Muslims and began hurling stones at the mosque. Immediately security forces which were absent during the car blast and the ensuing events, appeared and starting shooting tear gas at the Copts, who in turn hurled stones at them. Fifteen Copts were rounded up from their homes by the authorities. WHY?
The Authorities also released a statement blaming the blast on the Israeli Mossad ! I am gobsmacked! Israel has its flaws, but seriously, does any “official” who releases such a totally assinine statement have any grey matter at all between his ears??
As no groups claimed responsibility the question remains–Who would want to kill 2,000 Christian Copts–Men, Women and Children–celebrating Mass–in a Church–on New Year’s Eve?
May God show mercy to the families and friends of those who were taken in this unspeakable act of terror.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written,
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord…Romans 12:19 (KJV)