There was to be a screening of the film Iranium shown at the National Archives Theatre. According to sources and this story in the Ottawa Citizen the screening was canceled after a call from the Iranian Embassy, followed by threats and the theatre being closed down while police and fire crews arrived–wait, What? The Iranian Embassy is telling a Canadian Theatre what films they can screen?
You can read about this disgrace on Mesopotamia West and Blazing Cat Fur, then follow the links to Vlad Tapes, who has promised to post details as the story unfolds. Of course we will update you from here as well.
We had hoped that Canada would be the last country to fall for the threats of rabid islamists–and apparently we were wrong. Wake up and Speak up Now Canada–soon it will be too late…
Iranium Trailer
I fully agree with the comments made in this video clip.
Could it be that western people, having lost judeo-christian inheritage by trading it to get a prideful humanistic ego-thinking, also lost the power to stand against evil (false religion), becoming blind for the dangers awaiting them and putting their head into the sand?