As this report indicates, there is a definite imbalance in the western world. We bend over backwards to accommodate anything that comes from the Muslim world–no matter how disgusting. Cabbies that refuse to drive people from the airport who have alcohol with them,–not to mention blind people with guide dogs. Schools creating special washrooms for Muslims, special food, special rules, special holidays and on and on. The demands are never ending. And guess what? The minute some idiot request is denied–Law Suits, threats and many times loss of business or income. Lives of those who have built the free countries are being destroyed. Meanwhile these same organizations forbid any reference to Christmas, or any Non-Muslim based holiday or event. Excuse me–but something is very wrong. Please watch. Then educate yourself about Sharia Law, Islam, Jihad, and their desire for a world Caliphate.
Sharia in the West~When Will Americans Speak Out?
by Jerusalem Vistas~Israel Vision | Feb 15, 2011 | Uncategorized | 0 comments