Redegalli and His Mural |
Some time ago artist Sergio Redegalli painted a mural on the outer wall of his studis and it has caused riots (literally) in Australia. The mural saying “No” to Burkas was intended as a point for debate, but it immediately caused an uproar and a complaint was lodged by a woman with the Anti-Discrimination Board, saying: ‘‘It’s Islamophobic; it’s feeding the racist and sexist attitudes we have in our society.”
Perhaps the complainant needs reminding that if she is going to make her home in a country such as Australia, and benefit from all the freedoms on offer in an open and democratic society, she can’t dictate how those freedoms are applied. The right to begin debates and even to be disrespectful and insulting, is among those freedoms that people in democratic countries have fought for over the years. We may not always like it, but that’s the way freedom goes.
On a personal note, telling a woman she Must wear a Burka or she will be raped, because Muslim men can’t be expected to control themselves, is–in my humble opinion–Extremely Sexist!
Redegalli said: “This mural has come from frustration…You can’t say anything about Muslims without getting in trouble. There’s a problem about the right to free expression, the loss of the ability to say something without instantly being branded a racist–There’s thousands that can say we don’t actually feel comfortable about this and that’s not being taken seriously”
Christians, Jews, Buddhists or other religions basically do not object to anybody practicing their own faith. But the Burka is not about religion–it is about security in a free country and it is a political statement by those who would oppress us. Consider–there is no way to identify who is under it–or even if it is a male or female! Suicide bombings, robbery and other crimes have been carried out under the cover of the Burka. The debate over whether this covering is oppressive to women or not, is not oppression any more than is the requirement for a nudist to wear clothing into a grocery store.
Sadly, as the video below shows, the “religion of peace” will never allow freedom of opinion unless it agrees with their world view.