A dance troupe only receives international acclaim if they are very good and that takes hours upon hours of back-breaking training, endless practice, costume planning and changes, dress rehearsals, makeup, hair, and on and on, ad infinitum.
Preparing dozens of excited kids for a performance (whether at home or away) is a daunting task. Consider that each dancer, for every dance must have a costume, hair style and makeup that, when put together on stage, will tell a story. The time for costume changes between each dance is only moments, as an audience can not be kept waiting!
With a large troupe the efforts grow exponentially and when the troupe consists of adrenalin filled young people the whirlwind of emotions in the air can intimidate anyone. The following clip provides a back stage glimpse into some of the effort that goes into a performance as well as the joy and laughter of these wonderful kids…
Part 5 of 12~Hora Efrochim At Work