Etrog & Lulav for Sukkot |
We are at the time of year in Israel when a series of major holidays are celebrated~Rosh Hoshana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
This means that many days during September and October are designated holidays. It is a time when families travel the country, visit museums and the Old City of Jerusalem. It is a joyous and festive period.
It is also a time when many businesses work partial days or close entirely and all work is back logged. For this reason, our posting has been slow. We hope to pick up again after the 10th of October with new content and information. Meanwhile, do scroll through this site and review our Blog posts from the past.
We also invite you to visit our video website at this link:
…where you can watch many of the documentaries and interviews we have produced over the years~All at no charge. Until then, our Jerusalem Vistas Family wishes you all Chag Someyach!