The year 2012 has been a busy and eventful time for all. Here in the middle east time seems to zoom by and it is almost a surprise to see 2013 is already here!
This part of the world is like a bubbling hot spring and one never knows when a geyser will erupt. Sometimes it is hard to stay grounded, but we know that the Lord is is kind and loving and He has already declared how the story ends.
We enter this New Year with hope, gratitude and wonder. Our Hope is that the world will see peace, the homeless will find shelter and the hungry are fed. It is with Gratitude that we send greetings to our family, friends,and partners around the world who have faithfully supported us in our work to send out the good news from Zion and it is with Wonder that we see the work of the Almighty in our daily lives.
May the Lord bless you all with health, happiness and peace during the coming year and always!