Dear Friends,
Blessings to you at this sacred season from the Rawlings family in Jerusalem.

The magnificent menorah that stood in the Tabernacle of Meeting was crafted of pure gold. It was made using the pattern that Moses saw, which first existed in heaven. “See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain”…Hebrews 8:5c. Modern Israel’s official national seal was taken from Moses account in the book of Exodus.

Our President Reuben Rivlin, reminded us at this time during the national and global pandemic crisis to remember the good things. In the past year, Israel launched their first orbiting Lunar lander. Also, Israel produced the world’s first 3-D printed vascularised heart! As the father of our nation, he emphasized the importance of strengthening all of our relationships. To that we say Amen!

Around the world, every Passover meal begins with asking the children: “Why is this night different from all others?”This year the world has not witnessed any Passover like it. Hopefully more than ever before, our Passover or Easter celebration will be filled with spiritual lessons. Our table will be filled with symbolic foods, the front door will stay open throughout the feast, and a chair will be placed at the table for Elijah, who is always invited. We look for the Messiah, and know that Elijah precedes Him. Why? “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse”…Malachi 4:5,6.
Our dining room table is usually extended to the limit, but this year we are just three. We plan a virtual Passover meal with loved ones via the internet. Our sons are sequestered in their homes, on the other side of Jerusalem, in Finland and Denmark.
Four thousand years ago, the LORD of glory changed history. Moses instructed his enslaved people to slaughter a lamb for each household. Why a lamb? Because it was worshiped as a god by ancient Egypt. The Living God came with a different reality, directly opposed to the status quo. When Jews applied the blood of the Passover lamb to their lentils and doorposts, they first had to overcome fear, knowing that this strange act would be viewed as insurrection against the ruling authorities. Every Jewish family was ordered to stay inside, like a lock down. Did they realize the death angel would be moving through the land to visit every home with no blood covering? I am sure the symbolism is not lost on any of us.
Today, Israel and most nations are in lock down. We choose to seek the LORD, repent, pray and give thanks for our lives and every blessing bestowed upon us. We pray for the multitudes and their families in the valley of decision, with thousands going out into eternity, night by night. I find the Bible is so inspirational as my competent guide book. I am comforted and pray this for all.
I was amazed to see that this weeks Prophetic portion of the Parasha (weekly Bible reading) included:“For death has come through our windows, has entered our palaces, to kill off the children – no longer to be outside! And the young men – no longer on the streets”…Jeremiah 9:21. The prophet was warning the nation of the coming disaster, but it applies so aptly to all our families, nations and peoples today. And this, “In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem…and the land shall mourn, every family by itself…all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves”…Zechariah 12:11a, 12a,14.
Jesus said: “I must work the works of Him who sent Me, while it is day, the night is coming when no one can work”…John 9:4~Only 20% of Israel’s work force is employed presently.
Local Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, has made shockingly accurate predictions in the past. He foresaw the pandemic five years ago. Lately he declared the following;
China will suffer the worst of the diseases; more than 100,000 people will die. (no one knows the actual number of victims in China) This will be a prelude to even greater troubles, endless misfortunes, for China. Even though many financial experts are predicting that China will rule the world economically, China will go bankrupt. China is only rising up in order to fall down. This will show people that the real source of blessing is the LORD God of Israel.
All of Israel needs to come together with one heart as we do in times of war. This pandemic is a type of war. It is not only our country at stake.
The entire world derives divine sustenance [is blessed] through the promises given to Israel and despite God’s anger, He loves His children and wants to show His mercy.
A cure to the corona virus will come from Israel before the end of the upcoming Passover holiday. Miracles and wonders will be seen during the holiday of Passover and the disease will end. God sees all the suffering and fear. He hears our prayers and for that, he will bring great salvation.
We are in the time just before Messiah and God is sweeping (spraying) in between people so that the Messiah will have a clean place to walk. The rabbi said, he was speaking in allegory and concluded with: “The simple message is to repent. The disease is like a keren or [ray of light] that is showing everyone the pathway to repentance.”
“Indeed, my God does nothing without having revealed His purposes to His servants the Neviim. (prophets)”…Amos 3:7 Israel Bible
May our vision and understanding of the plans and purposes of the LORD God of Israel and His Messiah be enlarged this Passover? Jesus~Yeshua the Messiah left us an example to follow in His footsteps. “Father let this cup pass from me…nevertheless not my will but Yours be done…”This vow speaks into my life along with His final plea: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” The pattern has been set. Let us walk in His ways in these challenging times.
We leave you now with these beautifully anointed songs…Enjoy each other dear friends! Hag Someyach! Happy Holidays!
Jay and Meridel Rawlings and family
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